Timesheet Portal (v17)

(1 customer review)


Timesheet Portal module streamlines time tracking through an intuitive interface, allowing effortless creation, editing, and deletion of timesheets.

Depends : [«base», «website», «timesheet_grid», «hr_timesheet», «project», «hr», «contacts»]

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Timesheet Portal

Create, edit and delete timesheets from the website

Currently in odoo you can only allocate hours to the timesheet from the odoo backend. This module arises from the need for external users to allocate hours from the web portal without having to have an internal user.

Hot Features

Time Management
User Interaction
Mobile Accessibility


  • Creation and editing of timesheets from the web portal.
  • Different views from the portal: Administration and User.
  • Totally focused on odoo Timesheet behavior.
  • (Automatic) Allocation of hours in projects according to stages.
  • Automated allocation of hours.
  • Mobile accessibility from any device.
  • Integrated validations and restrictions respecting odoo standards.
  • Dynamic user interface focused on usability.
  • Improved web portal filters and searches.
  • Improved generic «Timesheet View» in the web portal.

Every time a new Employee is created, we must register the email with which they will register on the web portal.



We access the related Contact and «Grant Access to the Portal».



The user created for these contacts is of type «Portal user».


It is required to relate the user to the employee in the «HR Settings» section of the Employee file.



It is also required to give access to the projects before allocating hours.


We access the «Project stages» menu to configure the automation.


We enable the check that establishes that it is a «Final Stage».


The check is enabled that allows imputing in the project when changing from one stage to another.

This option can be enabled automatically or manually.


Portal view to allocate hours by an external user.


Validation of required fields in the form.


Tasks filtered by projects, date and time validation.


Management of views and filters for Administrator and Portal users.


The «Edit» functionality in the portal allows you to view the current values and allows you to edit them at the same time.


The «Delete» functionality in the portal allows you to delete a timesheet if it is not validated.


When validating the hours in a specific period, it will not be possible to allocate hours or edit a timesheet.


  • Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Community, Odoo enterprise and odoo.sh.
  • Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
  • Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
  • Yes, You have to download module for each version (15,16,17) except in version 12 or lower.
  • No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.

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1 review for Timesheet Portal (v17)

  1. Eduard

    Great job!!!!

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