Account Dashboard (v16)


This module provides you with a visualization tool for the company’s accounting from the «Accounting» menu. Using the Highcharts visualization library (, we offer the company’s accounting data grouped by year in a dynamic, user-friendly and interactive way to support decision-making.

Depends : [«account_accountant»]

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Account Dashboard

Enhanced accounting view to aid decision making

This module provides you with a visualization tool for the company’s accounting from the «Accounting» menu. Using the Highcharts visualization library (, we offer the company’s accounting data grouped by year in a dynamic, user-friendly and interactive way to support decision-making.

Hot Features

Data visualization
Highcharts tool


    • Data visualization with the Highcharts tool.
    • Interactive and user-friendly graphics.
    • Sales, purchase, product and customer graphs.
    • Historical and comparative graphs.
    • Responsive design for any device.
    • Manual or automatic data updates.

By accessing the “Users” menu in the “Settings” section we can give access to the module.



From the «Accounting» menu we can access the new BI or Dashboard option with Highcharts.



To review the library documentation we can click on the chart option or click here .


We can interact with historical and comparative charts in the same view.



Information related to suppliers, customers, sales, purchases and products is also displayed.


By accessing the «BI Configuration» menu in the «Accounting/Configuration» section, we can consult and update all the information related to the dashboard grouped by year.


BI Configuration tree view with quarter and total values.


From the form view we can manually modify and update the Dashboard values.


From the BI view we can also update the Dashboard.


There is also an «Update Account Dashboard» cron that updates the BI automatically.



  • Yes, this app works perfectly with Odoo Community, Odoo enterprise and
  • Yes, we provide free support for 100 days.
  • Yes, you will get free update for lifetime.
  • Yes, You have to download module for each version (15,16,17) except in version 12 or lower.
  • No, We do not provide any kind of exchange.

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our app, we provide you complementary support for a duration of
90 days from the date of purchase of the respective app.

To create a support ticket, you can do it
through the channels that we make available to you.

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community, enterprise,



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