Showing all 2 results
Power BI Connector (v16)
Currently there are several connectors that connect Odoo with PowerBI semi-automatically. With our PowerBI tool, not only is the data published for PowerBI, but the user creates their own queries for both their own Odoo models and models related to the data that we want to send to PowerBI, they can modify it and send that information to PowerBI. immediately. Depends : ["base", "documents"]
Power BI Connector (v17)
Currently there are several connectors that connect Odoo with PowerBI semi-automatically. With our PowerBI tool, not only is the data published for PowerBI, but the user creates their own queries for both their own Odoo models and models related to the data that we want to send to PowerBI, they can modify it and send that information to PowerBI. immediately. Depends : ["base", "documents"]